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All of our workshops are facilitated by professional theatre artists who have years of experience working with children and youth in school and community settings.


We are available for one- and two-hour drama workshops, as well as multi-day residencies, and weekly community programs.


Grades K – 3 · Exploring Theatre
Primary students will be introduced to drama through fun games and exercises designed to encourage confidence and creative risk-taking. This workshop includes dramatic role playing, introduction to character, tableaux (dynamic staging) and sound and movement exploration.

Grades 4 – 6 · Creating Theatre
Junior students build on their knowledge of drama in this workshop, which leads them through the process of creating their own short original piece of theatre. Students will discover what makes an engaging story, learn how parameters help guide the creation process and explore different ways to
express narrative through image and staging.


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Burger King Lear @ Cedar Ridge HS
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Swan River

Grades 7 – 12 · Devising Theatre

Older students learn from working with artists who are pushing the boundaries of the form and contributing to the canon of new Canadian work. They will explore and learn techniques for theatrical storytelling: determining the elements of a compelling story; generating material; how to collaborate and work as an artistic team; assessing parameters; and discovering surprising and unconventional ways to tell a story using theatrical expression, drawing on the company’s extensive devising background.


Grades 7 – 12 · FLOW Workshop in partnership with Ottawa Riverkeeper

FLOW is a new workshop series offered by Skeleton Key Theatre and Ottawa Riverkeeper that inspires youth to become stewards of the Ottawa River by understanding their impact on the watershed through artistic exploration. Since time immemorial, the Ottawa River has flowed through this watershed, the traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabeg First Nations. What can arts-based and scientific understandings of flowing water teach us about how we can improve our relationships with the land, river, and each other? In this multidisciplinary and experiential workshop series for high school students, a combination of science and dramatic arts strengthen students’ connections with the watershed. Check out our FLOW trailer here. 




















Workshop Pricing

One (x1) 60-minute(one-hour) workshop $300 + HST*

One (x1) 90-minute(one and a half hour) workshop $350 + HST*

One (x1) 120-minute(two-hour) workshop $450 + HST*


If you would like to book more than one workshop to create a series of workshops for your students please contact us and we will work with you to build something to meet your students needs.


*Subsidy pricing is available for our workshops, please reach out and we will discuss pricing that best meets your needs.


To request a workshop please email us at

© 2021 Skeleton Key Theatre

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